



In the Era of Data Collection

One of the two final reports from my Privacy Law Ⅰ class.

Information has never been this free before. In the past thirty years, the human race has experienced tremendous advancement on the manufacturing of electronic device. Connectivity chips and optical lens become smaller and cheaper to build, while sensors and unmanned drones are ominous around our lives. It is without doubt that the Digital Era made knowledge and friends available at the fingertips, but so do us. Search engines and social media filter our view of the world; governmental agencies collect trails from our routine activities. We sit on top of a 21st-century gold rush – public and private actors nowadays are the miners; our personal information is the new gold.



The Stratosphere Phenomenon

The Stratosphere Phenomenon was the semester report I turned in on Professor Charles Wharton’s Media Law, New Technology, and Constitutional Rights. It was completed under the stress of final and long before I had proper understanding to the U.S. legal system; but I realized it would be lost eventually in the digital age, and publishing would at least enable some random strangers to get some use out of it. Please feel free to share your thoughts and criticism on this amateur work.

「同溫層現象」是我在 105-1 修 Professor Charles Wharton 的「媒體法、新技術與憲法權利」寫的期末報告。最近在整理研究所的申請資料時,意識到這些不成熟的寫作內容終將塵封在歲月痕跡之中;將它們放到網路上,反而比較容易發揮點價值吧;還請路過的朋友不吝指教了。 (2018/10)



On the Path of Judicial Transparency

“Criminal Justice of Japan: Traditions and Reformations” Final Report1

General disbelief of the judiciary system is not unfamiliar to Taiwanese people. Gone through colonial period under Qin Dynasty and Imperial Japan, the judiciary system on this island had evolved rapidly — from patriarchal, inquisitorial Traditional Chinese ruling conducted by district magistrate, into a more modern court approach, overseen by Governor-General of Taiwan2. Chiang Kai-Shek administration established Order of Martial Law which, under the effect of Martial Law Act (戒嚴法), granted martial courts discretionary rights on criminal procedure3, exposing citizens to the threat of martial prosecution. In the era later called the White Terror, political interference further worsened the reputation of jury system. Even in nowadays, “The courts are run by the Kuomintang” is a common explanation toward unsatisfactory court verdicts, and “dinosaur judges” (恐龍法官) is what netizens would call judges names of. Where could we, as practicers of law, put our efforts, to build the trust and transparency of our jurisdiction system, demanded by public?

This report would briefly cover the differences between Japan’s practice of criminal procedure law and Taiwan’s, taking eavesdropping for example.




2018/10: 這份是我大二到中文系選修「現代漢語語法」所寫的期末報告。因為選不到自然語言處理的緣故,賭氣決定去中文系越級打怪、認識看看文學院怎麼處理問題;雖然事先沒有語言學基礎、對當時的本系同學可能滿不好意思的,但也學到許多從來沒有想像過的分析方式。搭著當時新聞報導的熱度選擇「特殊性關係」這個題目,感謝一直很關心我的學習、十分溫暖的張麗麗老師。


